4 Soft skills the Digital world gives your child.

By Sebastian Okhanigbe
As our children are growing, it is very important to teach them right concepts of digital use that will help them succeed as well as make life easy for them. With the steady developments in technology arrives, there are going to be multiple possibilities created by the merge between the physical society and digital world.
Our children’s ability to explore these opportunities and thrive in a future technology dominated world, greatly depends on the kind of skills and orientation we empower them with today. As according to Sameer Rawjee, the founder at O school, where he referred to the fact that there are no specific careers to prepare a child for instead, we can only impart them with skills they will need to envisage the future and create different career opportunities.
Research on the rise shows that excess use of technology is a serious problem that comes with adverse effects on the mental health of teenagers. Exactly why parents need to keep them occupied with the right skills they require to go through a tech wild world.
Now the question is, how can parents, help kids develop healthy habits that will be of use as they grow up into adulthood even as we step into the Fourth industrial revolution?
Just for clarifications if you haven’t heard about the industrial revolutions, and also what the other Three were, since we are getting to the Fourth.
- The first industrial revolution came around the 18th and 19th centuries with the start of urbanization and steam engines. For example the Textile and Iron
- The second industrial revolution came about at the beginning of the 20th century, and introduced the idea of mass production. Example, Factory lines.
- The third industrial revolution is also known as the digital revolution. This came about in 1980 with major use of computers and the internet.
- The fourth industrial revolution is an enhancement to the third and its ideas, will bring technology into the inner fabrics of the society. Examples, Artificial intelligence Biotechnology, Robotics, Internet of Things I.O.T and a lot more.
At 9jacodekids, our major purpose is to ensure every child is well abreast with the right skills through coding lessons as well as have an experience in practice. We must be concerned about how our kids will benefit from the growth in tech and also be ahead. Below, there are 4 soft skills that go hand-in-hand with tech skills that will prepare them for the future.
- Creativity: The beauty of technology is in creativity and can only be fed by our imagination. Here at 9jacodekids, when we introduce children to a world of technology, we give them experiences on platforms like “SCRATCH” which encourages project based learning with an environment that is risk-welcoming, so they can try out new things.
- Computational thinking: As we teach children coding, they build up the ability to break down problems into steps which is referred to as Algorithms. This mode of learning can also be applied in every area of life as they grow older.
- Collaboration: It is important to teach our kids to communicate with their peers and organize their activities. Collaboration they say takes practice and when kids engage in practical projects from coding, they share creative ideas as they communicate.
- Curiosity: Curiosity is wanting to know more and a willingness to learn. This can be developed in preparation towards the fourth industrial revolution. Which other way can they bring their thought to creation if not in environments that can allow practice. When curiosity is encouraged in children it drives their interest in certain problems and produce solutions, because they are interested in solving them. This can bring about positive world change.
This is why in all our courses, we do not just teach, we are careful to include such soft skills to prepare them for the future. You can sign up your kids for our Afterschool online or Weekend Online code clubs or even learn at their own pace with our downloadable video packs for ages 4 to 16.