By Ugochukwu Nkwocha
I listened to Vusi Thembekwayo one day and he made a statement that shook me. He said that if we look at the most powerful countries in the world, they all at some point contributed some major innovative technology to the world. Britain gave the world the steam engine that led to the 1st Industrial revolution. America gave the world the combustion engine that led to the 2nd Industrial revolution. America also brought the personal computer and the Internet that led to the 3rd Industrial revolution.
The question he asked was “what major innovation has Africa as a whole given to the world?” Any wonder why most African countries are at the mercy of these countries?
When we pay lip service to education, innovation becomes scarce. Take a look at the countries I mentioned and others in their league, they don’t joke with the education of the young generation particularly STEM education. It is STEM education that leads to great innovation. To stay competitive, the UK, USA, China etc. are all boosting their STEM curriculum, introducing children to coding, robotics, artificial intelligence right from Primary school because they know that is the key to great innovations.
Dear Parents, our country is reducing the standard of education instead of increasing it. JAMB cutoff for 2019 is 160 for public universities, 140 for Private universities, 120 for public polytechnics and 110 for private polytechnics. These scores are not over 200, they’re over 400. Wait!!! 160/400 is same as 40%. Those of us that went to school know that 40% is an E. 140/400 is 35%, a big fat F. So with an F, your child can gain admission to the University. And it doesn’t bother you! These same children will graduate and become teachers and lecturers and teach my children? I’m cringing at the thought of that. WHAT EXACTLY IS GOING ON!
Honestly now is best time for to you equip your kids with tech skills, 9jacodekids is ever ready to give your kids the knowledge they need to succeed. Get your kids register for our classes today, so that no matter where your kids find themselves tomorrow they will flourish in the new tech age.
A mother told me recently that she knows our education system is crap but she doesn’t have the money to send her children abroad. So she’s doing all she can to equip them with whatever she could find locally in Nigeria. Coming across 9jacodekids Academy was like heaven to her. She said literally “We die here” 🤣🤣